Meet Lt. Preston, one of the only PT crewmen to be awarded the MOHLt. Arthur Preston and his PT boat crews did whatever it took to save a downed Navy airman in the South Pacific.By Jon Guttman16 hours ago
Okinawan bone digger searches for remains from WWII battleAs a volunteer cave digger, Takamatsu Gushiken has unearthed the remains of several hundred people killed in one of the bloodiest battles of World War II.7 days ago
How a ‘Dauntless’ dive bomber became a WWII ace at Coral SeaNavy pilot John Leppla was credited with shooting down five Japanese aircraft in aerial combat before he was shot down and declared Missing in Action.By Jon Guttman8 days ago
The 18-year-old World War I corporal behind Fort Benning’s renamingFort Benning's new namesake, Fred Benning, was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his battlefield courage8 days ago
War heroes, military firsts among 26,000 images flagged in DEI purgeA Medal of Honor recipient, women and minorities are among the tens of thousands of photos marked for deletion as the Pentagon purges DEI content.By Lolita C. Baldor, The Associated Press9 days ago
Air Force revives Skyraider name for new light attack aircraftThe propeller-driven Skyraider II pays homage to the Cold War-era propeller plane that delivered close air support during the Vietnam War.By Todd South11 days ago