The military is a hammer, and not all problems are nails
Vocal lobbies in the Washington foreign policy scene are heavily invested in applying U.S. military power to problems that aren't military in nature.

Why the military’s approach to its suicide epidemic is failing
In this opinion piece, the chairman of Boulder Crest Foundation argues that current military suicide prevention efforts are falling short.

Army combat fitness test threatens to undermine combat effectiveness
The test disadvantages both male and female soldiers

A paratrooper recalls his final jump — and his walk off the drop zone
If you make a mistake when you jump, you’ll probably be fine, but it could kill the paratrooper behind you. This was a very inexperienced group.

Coldest War: ‘Near-Arctic’ China joining power competition in North
China is working to be more influential in the Arctic region, so the U.S. needs to prepare now, the author argues.

How the Osprey crash response reinforced the power of partnerships
Outgoing Air Force Special Operations Command boss Lt. Gen. Tony Bauernfeind reflects on the international response in the wake of November's Osprey crash.

Remembering Saipan: The battle that reshaped the Pacific
The legacy of the Battle of Saipan endures 80 years on, as the island once again emerges as a strategic front in the Pacific.

The post-9/11 generation’s path to post-traumatic growth
Veterans who embody the ethos of post-traumatic growth push back against the narrative of the “broken” vet. I urge you to join them.

Why sleep remains a nationwide challenge amplified for post-9/11 vets
In this op-ed, the author discusses how PTSD, TBI, and other challenges veterans encounter highlight the critical role sleep plays in overall wellness.

I volunteered for a mission. I could take photos that might outlive me
Drowning in fear and self-loathing, I reminded myself why I was here. Why I was in Vietnam. On this helicopter. It was why I’d re-enlisted.

For F-35, Congress must heed history
America stands at a crossroads with the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, retired Air Force Gen. Philip Breedlove argues.

Military supplement users: Beware of tigers masquerading as dogs
With high rates of supplement use among troops, the authors of this op-ed present measures to ensure service members know what ingredients are safe.

Unleash the Space Force
Numbers outlining China's military space prowess are understandably alarming, but they don’t tell the whole story, Todd Harrison argues in an op-ed.

Mental health professionals overlooked in Air Force’s resilience push
A lieutenant colonel argues that in trying to make troops more resilient, Air Force leaders have overlooked the well-being of the mental health workforce.

Improving how service members build wealth
With the prospect of a hefty raise for junior enlisted ahead, the author of this op-ed shares ways troops can improve long-term financial security.

The power of relationships and partnerships forged by special ops
The history of special operations in the U.S. is replete with examples that demonstrate how vital this can be.

Time is running out to recognize, compensate aging atomic veterans
The VA’s failure to provide timely benefits makes RECA a critical lifeline for many veterans, Keith Kiefer argues in an op-ed.