Were the “four fingers of death” the worst MRE in military history?These salty meat fingers were typically paired with “Western Beans” to complete the feel of an authentic barracks barbecue.By Sarah Sicard21 months ago
As egg prices soar, how does DOD avoid scrambling to keep troops fed?Don't expect to see a chow hall devoid of eggs any time soon.By Sarah Sicard2 years ago
‘In prison or the DFAC?’: soldiers complain about base foodDFAC food strikes again.By Sarah Sicard3 years ago
Military plays ‘never have I ever’ on TwitterService members on Twitter share their military "never have I ever" experiences, or lack thereof.By Sarah Sicard4 years ago
The plan to give soldiers a day’s worth of MREs in one ration. Seven days of food weighing less than 10 poundsThe Army is working on keeping dismounted troops fed for more than a few days without breaking their backs.By Todd South5 years ago
Defense Department to ban beer and pizza? Mandatory keto diet may enhance military performanceThe controversial ketogenic or “keto” diet may be the future of the military, some defense officials say.By Kristine Froeba6 years ago