One of the long-range bomber's eight engines caught fire.
Officer Bryan Andrew Zemek, 36, and Officer Derek Joshua Abbott, 42, were both Mississippi natives and had won several awards for their service.
The Marine Corps was deemed by a third-party auditor to have a full accounting of all its assets and financial values.
The commandant made one recommendation before voting got underway: to eliminate the requirement for women to wear pantyhose with dress uniform skirts.
The obituary of Capt. Jack Casey hinted at a jokester who was never too busy to help.
A campaign video highlights his years serving as a judge advocate at Marine Corps Air Station in Yuma, Arizona.
NBC News reported Monday that the crash was linked to chipping from the Osprey’s proprotor gearbox.
By Tara Copp, AP
More and more Marines are opting to stay for second enlistments. But the Marine Corps has room to grow in retention.
Air Force recruiting boss Brig. Gen. Christopher Amrhein said Tuesday he is “cautiously optimistic” about staying on track for the rest of the year.
Expensive defenses against drone swarms and cheaper missiles will be too costly against a better armed foe.
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