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Army charges soldier with killing pregnant wife
Mischa Johnson, who went missing on July 31, has still not been found.
By Riley Ceder
Troops in remote barracks lack free Wi-Fi. That’s about to change.
The initiative is part of a broader Defense Department effort to improve troops' quality of life.
By Riley Ceder
Marines tackle barracks repairs with elbow grease, outside expertise
The cleanup and repair at Camp Pendleton is an early step in fixing the Corps' decades-long barracks problems.
By Todd South
How the Beirut bombing of a Marine Corps barracks changed everything
A new book showcases how the 1983 bombing of a Marine Corps barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, paved the way for America's war on terrorism.
By Todd South
New Marine Corps Museum galleries showcase Iraq, Afghanistan and more
"Every artifact tells a story."
By Todd South