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It’s one of those days – you’re on watch, you didn’t get much sleep, and you just want to catch 30 winks.
The problem is, you’re not going to be relieved for at least three hours. Your buddies are counting on you to stay not just awake, but alert to potential danger. Or maybe that meeting ran long, you’re feeling drowsy but you still need to get home.
Well, there is a solution for the problem – and it won the U.S. Military’s “Greatest Invention of the Year” award in 2005. That solution is Military Energy Gum. Introduced to the military in 2004, it proved its reliability over the years in combat theaters and eventually entered the civilian market in 2012.

Military Energy Gum was designed for use in sustained or continuous military operations when troops typically don’t get enough sleep. This makes an excellent gift for those working long hours, like a doctor, nurse, or first responder, who may need that life-saving edge.
Do you need to stay alert for an all-nighter at work or a last-minute cram session? Are you a long-haul truck driver making a rush delivery? Do you need a little more pep to get a good workout in?
If you said yes to any of these questions, Military Energy Gum should be your first resort for a fast-acting, long-lasting boost of energy to enhance physical performance and cognitive function.

Take one piece, chew it for five minutes, and it’s like having a cup of coffee minus the spill risk. Only it’s better: Military Energy Gum delivers 100 milligrams of caffeine five times faster than coffee or energy drinks, making sure you get the figurative shot in the arm you need exactly when you need it. Furthermore, Military Energy Gum has been developed and tested by the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, and is still in the rations issued to grunts. Over five million packs of this gum have been sold to the Department of Defense.

Military Energy Gum comes in three flavors: Arctic Mint, Spearmint, and Cinnamon, and it is made in the United States of America. You can get a box of 24 five-packs for $28.00 on